| How To Send iPhone Voice Recordings To For Transcription

In this tutorial we'll show you how to send your iPhone voice recordings to Otter for transcription. Otter will transcribe your audio or video recordings for you automatically.

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On your iPhone you will see what’s called The Voice Memos app. This is one of the default apps that comes pre-installed with every iPhone.

Using the Voice Memos app allows you to create an unlimited number of voice recordings.

For example, one of your voice recordings could be the chapter of an ebook. Or you can record the content for a blog post.

After creating your voice recording, you can use Otter to transcribe your audio recording into text.

In this tutorial video we’re going to show you how to send your iPhone voice memo recordings to Otter for transcription.

With Otter you can upload your audio or video recordings and Otter will transcribe them for you automatically.

After your files are transcribed, you can export them as Text files to use for Blog posts, Ebooks, Lead Magnets, or whatever else you want to use them for.

To get started, sign up for a FREE Otter account!


Tap on The Voice Memos app on your iPhone.

Click the record button to start recording.

When you’re done recording, click on the stop button.

It’s as easy as that!


The first thing that you want to do is make sure to re-name your voice recording.

This is so that when it shows up in your Otter account you can tell which recording it was that you made.

  1. Tap on the default name of your recording.
  2. Type in the new name of your voice recording.
  3. After typing in the name, tap the “Enter” button on your keyboard.

Now that we have renamed our voice recording, we can import the recording into Otter.


After naming your voice recording, the next thing we’re going to do is import the recording into Otter.

  1. Over to the right of the recording name, tap on the “three dots” to bring up the menu options.
  2. Tap on the share option.
  3. As you scroll across your apps you should see the otter app show up. You can tap on it if you see it.
  4. If you don’t see it, scroll all the way across to the “More” button (with the three dots).
  5. Tap on the “More” button and you should see a full list of your apps. Otter should be one of those apps.
  6. Tap on the Otter app from this full app list.
  7. On the “import” screen all you need to do is tap on the “Import” link at the top right.
  8. You will see the progress bar show up, which tells you that your voice recording is being imported into Otter.
  9. As soon as your voice recording is successfully imported into Otter, it will redirect back to your main voice recordings screen.


After the recording is imported into Otter, you will be able to see the file in your Otter account.

At first, your recording will be “processing”. This could take a little while, depending on how long your recording is.

When the audio file has been transcribed, it will say the file is “Ready”.

Now you can export that file as a “Text” file, or a number of other different file types.

That’s all there is to getting your iPhone voice recordings transcribed into text using Otter.

To get started, sign up for a FREE Otter account!